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Refractive Cataract Surgery

Have you been told you have cataracts? If so, now is the perfect opportunity to have your vision corrected and finally be rid of the burden of wearing glasses, readers, bifocals, and trifocals. As you grow older — and wiser, of course — you may find your eyes are no longer able to function the same as they did years ago. If you’re in the Metro Detroit area we can help you turn back the clock! Everyone will eventually develop cataracts (a cloudy natural lens). Fortunately, it can be replaced with a lens that will correct your vision, making readers, bifocals and trifocals mostly unnecessary.


What is a Cataract?

The human lens is a true evolutionary marvel. When you are young, the natural lens is very flexible and allows us to autofocus on near and far objects and everything in between, much like the zoom function in a camera. However, as we get older not only does the lens start to become rigid and lose its flexibility, but it also loses its clarity and becomes yellow and cloudy – this is called a cataract. Cataracts block and scatter light. Light scattering results in glare and halos (especially at night), as well as in a reduction of visual acuity, quantity, and visual perception of color. Although it’s not fun to get older in these types of ways, we can help!


What is Refractive Cataract Surgery?

Refractive Cataract Surgery is an advanced treatment that offers you a whole new world of improved vision beyond what traditional cataract surgery can offer. It’s an additional level of advanced care that brings together the latest technological innovations in laser eye surgery to help you obtain the best vision your eyes are capable of seeing.


How Does Refractive Cataract Surgery Work?

During the procedure, your cloudy lens (cataract) is replaced by a new artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL). The cataract is lightly removed by an ultrasound device, and then the IOL is gently added to your eye. The advanced technology intraocular lenses bend incoming light through your pupil to focus it perfectly onto the retina, similar to how a contact lens works on the surface of the eye. Unlike contact lenses, the IOL is maintenance-free. It never dries out or gets dirty. You don’t have to put it in every morning or worry about it getting lost. And you can’t develop an allergy to it over time. Patients tell us they do not feel the new lens or notice it’s there, and it’s not noticeable to others. Unless you share it with others (and we hope you do), only your physician will be aware that refractive cataract surgery has taken place. The new lens will not alter the outward appearance of your eye, but it does drastically improve your vision. We offer different lens options for intraocular lenses. These lens implants can be customized to meet your specific visual needs and eliminate the need to wear glasses or readers.


Cataract surgery is a procedure that will change the way you see the world, every waking moment, for the rest of your life. Don’t go to someone who won’t invest the time in getting to know your eyes inside and out.
– Dr. Steven Zeldes

Benefits of Refractive Cataract Surgery

Refractive Cataract Surgery eliminates your cataracts, thereby improving and helping to stabilize your vision.


When Should I Consider Cataract Surgery?
This is an individual choice only you can make. In general, cataract surgery is usually recommended when people feel their quality of life is affected, and their ability to perform normal activities (driving, reading, or sports) is compromised. When cataract symptoms begin, you may be able to cope temporarily with a new prescription, stronger bifocals, higher magnification, different lighting, or other visual aids. When age-related vision changes begin to affect your quality of life, we recommend that you schedule a comprehensive evaluation to discuss your options. For many patients who have surgery, it means no more glasses, no more cataracts, and no more missing out on life’s beautiful moments.


Is Refractive Cataract Surgery Safe?

Yes. Intraocular lens surgery, and the surgical techniques involved, were first performed in 1949 but has been popular since the 1980s. The ophthalmology field has come a long way since then, and refractive cataract surgery is the most advanced iteration of this proven vision correction procedure involving a foldable IOL with updated technology. Over 3 million cataract procedures are performed in the United States annually. We are simply taking an already safe and proven procedure and making it better.

Refractive Cataract Surgery vs Basic Cataract Surgery
Refractive cataract surgery is the most advanced iteration of this proven vision correction procedure involving a foldable IOL with updated technology.


Who is a Candidate for Cataract Surgery?
Cataracts are a Natural Part of Aging—But You Don’t Have to Live With It

Refractive cataract surgery is recommended when your vision begins to affect your quality of life or interfere with your ability to perform daily activities. Some indications of a cataract includes: Clouded, blurred, or dim vision, increasing difficulty with vision at night, fading or yellowing of colors, double vision in a single eye, sensitivity to light and glare, halos around lights, difficulty reading in dim light, frequent changes in glasses or contact lens prescriptions.


Get Better Visual Outcomes with Refractive Cataract Surgery

The good news is that you don’t need to live with the inconveniences caused by your cataracts. Thanks to incredible advances in technology and science, we can get better visual outcomes and a broader range of vision with refractive cataract surgery. The cataract is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to correct vision loss due to nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, presbyopia, or cataracts. Not only is vision greatly improved, but the new lens will last forever.

At Zeldes Eye Center, our entire staff genuinely cares and is dedicated to offering a full range of vision correction procedures with excellence. Your eyes are unique, and we’ll work with you to create a customized treatment plan that restores your vision and improves your quality of life. Dr. Zeldes can help determine at your initial consult if you are ready for this procedure after your eyes are fully evaluated.


What is refractive cataract surgery?

Many eye doctors can address cataracts in most instances.

However, if your goal is to optimize your vision and be as spectacles-independent as possible, you should strongly consider a refractive cataract specialist whose only focus is on technology, service, and outcomes. Technologically-advanced lenses are not covered by any medical insurance policies, so if you want to fully restore your eyesight (no glasses or “readers”), you will incur additional costs even with insurance coverage.


Reasons to Have Refractive Cataract Surgery at Zeldes Eye Center

Technology – A refractive surgeon like Dr. Zeldes is familiar with all the treatment options available today – from the latest advancements in IOLs to laser cataract surgery post-lens replacement to fully optimize your vision.

Attention – Our very narrow focus on patient care and service means that when you arrive you become the focus of attention and our VIP. No rushed exam. No assembly-line cataract experience. You will meet with Dr. Zeldes, who will perform your exam, analyze your results, and answer any questions.

Outcomes – Dr. Zeldes committed to delivering exceptional outcomes and helping each patient achieve their desired visual goals. If excellent vision without bifocals following cataract surgery is your goal, a refractive surgeon is best suited to meet your needs.

Refractive Cataract – Treatment Process

Refractive Cataract Surgery at Zeldes Eye Center in an outpatient experience performed at our state-of-the-art facility for your convenience. The procedure is done one eye at a time two weeks apart. On the day of surgery, patients can expect to be in our surgery center for two hours though the procedure itself is painless and quick, usually performed in 10 to 20 minutes per eye. Come to the clinic with a friend or family member who can drive you home, since your vision may be blurry in recovery.


Recovery Time

Refractive cataract patients typically experience little if any discomfort during or after the procedure. One day after the procedure, most patients can resume normal daily tasks along with a few restrictions to protect the eye. As with any eye surgery, there is a healing period that must be completed for visual stabilization. You will be using antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops for a week following surgery.

The Zeldes Vision Difference

At Zeldes Vision, our goal is to help you see more clearly without the help of glasses or contact lenses.  Our highly skilled and professional team will be delighted to provide you with additional information about the different forms of refractive surgery we offer. You don’t have to endure vision issues for the rest of your life. Call our office to arrange your appointment for a thorough eye exam so we can help you choose the best course of action. At your consultation, you will meet our doctor, Dr. Zeldes, who will address any of your questions and concerns. Your vision is our mission.


Usually, with cataract surgery, a small incision is made in the eye. The front portion of the thin outer covering of the lens is opened to allow removal of the cataract inside.

The cataract is gently broken up and vacuumed out. Then a folded lens implant is inserted through the small incision and into the capsule where it unfolds and permanently takes the place of the clouded natural lens.

With the cataract removed, the new lens implant clearly focuses light rays onto the retina. The power of the lens implant is selected for your individual eye. However, you will probably need glasses to get your best near and far vision.

Many people searching for blue dot cataracts come to this page to learn more about cataracts. Dr. Steven Zeldes specializes in cataract care in Michigan.