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LASIK Surgery in Michigan

  LASIK is the most frequently performed elective surgery in North America. This highly effective outpatient procedure is often referred to as refractive surgery or laser vision correction. LASIK eye surgery is used to correct the following vision problems: Myopia (Nearsightedness) occurs when your eye is too long in relation to the curvature of your […]


Dr. Zeldes Offers ORA Cataract Surgery

Dr. Steven Zeldes uses an innovative technology called the ORA (Optiwave Refractive Analysis) System with VerifEye, which continuously monitors the measurements of a patient’s eye during cataract surgery. This incredibly accurate, real-time display of a patient’s eye provides Dr. Zeldes with an unprecedented level of valuable information that allows him to customize each patient’s procedure […]


Dr. Zeldes offers Contoura Vision

Considering Lasik? Here’s a new surgical option – Contoura Vision. Contoura® Vision is a topography-guided LASIK surgery recently approved by the FDA, making it the newest LASIK eye surgery technology available in the U.S. This new technology provides surgeons a greater degree of personalization. Dr. Zeldes, M.D., is a Medical Board Certified Ophthalmologist, meaning he has successfully completed tests administered by […]


Quality Management in Health Care

Dr Zeldes discusses quality management in Health Care.


Zeldes Eye Center now offers BlephEx

Dr. Steven Zeldes is pleased to offer BlephEx to his patients in his West Bloomfield ophthalmology practice. BlephEx is an amazing technology that treats Blepharitis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the eyelids caused by an overgrowth of normal bacteria that live along the eyelid. Blepharitis is often the precursor to more severe eyelid diseases, such […]


Annual Eye Exam for Seniors

Senior Citizen Eye Exam

Most everyone knows that annual eye exams are an important factor in healthy living, regardless of a person’s age. But, did you know that the older you get, the more necessary eye exams become? Individuals aged 60 plus need to be proactive about potential eye-related issues that may lead to vision loss. Many senior patients […]

Cataract Eye Conditions Ophthalmology

Diabetic Eye Diseases Everyone Should Know About

Having diabetes, a metabolic condition or disease that affects the body’s ability to generate enough insulin, may increase your chance of having other eye conditions. If you have diabetes, you need to be aware of the types of diabetc eye diseases that could affect you. Most importantly, you need to be proactive about your eye […]

Eye Conditions

Eye Care Options in West Bloomfield, Michigan

Residing in the greater Detroit area offers many options in the way of optometry and ophthalmology care. The eye care professional you choose to see is critical and is a choice that shouldn’t be taken lightly as having healthy eyes and vision is important. Many eye care patients may not realize there is a difference […]


All About Cataracts & Cataract Surgery

All About Cataracts & Cataract Surgery

You’ve probably heard the term “cataracts” – and know it involves the eye – but maybe you’re not quite sure about the specifics. The term cataract refers to the clouding of the lens of the eye. If you consider that the lens of the eye is similar to the lens of a camera, it’s easy […]

Cataract Catarat Surgery

My Case for a Glass-ified EMR

Dr. Steven Zeldes describes his experience with Google Glass and explores ways in which it could enhance electronic medical record workflow.        
